live bigger. live into your life.

Transformational Coaching

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

- Gandhi

Stuck. Anxious. Unfulfilled.

You wake up each morning with that heavy feeling. Overwhelmed. Going through the motions. Sleepwalking through life. Perhaps suffering from grief. Every part of you knows that something must shift. Life is more than this.

You want more with your life.

There IS a higher possibility in your life. It is possible to move beyond this trapped, halted feeling and into your full life. Something is in the way of you moving forward.

I help to quickly stop the cycle of feeling stuck in your life and anxious to create the life YOU intend to live.

There is a way forward.

No one needs to be fixed. We are all naturally creative, whole, and resourceful. Utilizing your strengths and inner wisdom, I help you navigate to a place of truth and where you want to be in your life.

Using a set of tools, I help identify, deepen, and reconnect to one’s values and recognize your life’s purpose to support a life of greater ease and flow.

Transformative. My insight uncovers the truth and moves you forward. Complications decrease and flow increases. You begin to live life with ease and happiness. Expanding into the life you want to live. A life of healthy simplicity.

start living into your life. get connected!

Call (415) 793-1807 for a complimentary 20-minute session.

About Marcie

Marcie Montgomery, CPCC

A world traveler, I bring cultural experience and ancient wisdom into my practice. I have been a devoted yogi for over two decades and an instructor.

My career before transformational coaching was in the banking and design industries where I excelled as an experienced facilitator and mentor.

After the death of my then partner in 2017, I made a shift to dedicate my life’s work to one-on-one coaching and serving others to live a present, engaged life.

A trusted coach. My coaching is direct, compassionate, and simple. Teaching how to be present, conscious, and live with ease. Healthy simplicity.

What I Offer




Clients Moving Forward in Their Lives

“Marcie is doing the work that she was put on this earth to do. She is a true north star for anyone looking for compassionate guidance and direction.”

Rebecca P.

“Marcie has helped me through the many stages of grief since my dad died. In a kind, wise, gentle, and powerful way, Marcie has helped me become willing to accept and honor this grief.”

Allie B.

“In less than four months, I cleared two significant distractions out of my life that were draining my vitality and were not aligned with my true values. I now have space and energy; I’m excited to move forward with my creative passions and career goals.”

Jenny P.

“Time in the sacred, intentional space that Marcie creates in each session is an incredible gift to anyone who is seeking clarity, reassurance and inspiration.”

Heidi W.